Search for a song and play it with Alfred 2.0 for free

logoAlfred 2.0 just came out and personally I found it’s an amazing app, I’m still a huge fan of Butler but let’s face it, Manytricks hasn’t updated the software in a very long time and the users (at least me) are hungry for new features.

Alfred 2.0 delivers a lot of fetures, among them the chance to create your own workflows with many scripting languages likes bash, php and ruby among others.

So I had the need of searching a song in my iTunes library, that simple right? no! while Butler did that just out of the box, with Alfred 2.0 you need to buy the PowerPack which is 15 pounds (around $20 dollars) and still, when you look for a song using the mini-player, which you have to activate with a different set of keys or commands, the song you played will play once and then plain silence will be heard, that kinds of anoys me as I’m always expecting the music to keep player.

To solve this issue I made a really simple and fast workflow that allows you to look for songs on your iTunes Library, I don’t know if it could work without the power pack so I’ll post both, the one I’m sure that works with the powerpack of Alfred and the slower version that works with iTunes and applescript.

Hope it’s useful to you.

iTunes Search and Play (to use with PowerPack)

iTunes Search and Play (to use without powerpack)

One thought on “Search for a song and play it with Alfred 2.0 for free

  1. I was trying to update your Workflow to return the album name since I have many songs that appear on both Studio and Live albums and cannot distinguish.

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